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  • Assemblies
    When are school assemblies held? School assemblies are an important part of school life. All parents are welcome to attend an assembly, which is usually on alternate Fridays at 2.30pm. Assembly dates are advertised in the MENPS Newsletter, which is distributed every Thursday via email. The weekly newsletter informs you of future events and what is happening at school. The Newsletters are also posted on the school website at, along with our key dates overview for the term.
  • Class Size
    How many students are in a class? We believe that class size makes a difference to the quality of experiences, relationships and support that we can offer. As a general guide, we work hard to achieve optimal class sizes of wherever possible, with additional Board funding, according to the year level: Y0/1: 18-22 Y2/3: 22-26 Y4-6: 25-30
  • Modern Learning Environments
    Does MENPS have open-plan 'Modern Learning Environments?' Are there plans to introduce this? No. Our learners inquire, collaborate and learn very successfully in single classroom environments that are modern, well-resourced and carefully designed to meet the needs of all of our learners. Our vision does not include a move to open-plan spaces. Technology is used purposefully as one tool for learning, but does not dominate the curriculum. We believe that getting the balance right between digital and non-digital tools is essential, and that technology should be used in age-appropriate ways.
  • Performances
    Do the children take part in shows or performances? MENPS stages a Year 1 and Year 2 showcase on separate evenings in Term 2 each year. The Middle & Senior School Production is usually in Term 3, on an alternate cycle. Any shows scheduled in the calendar year will be published on our school website at, along with our key dates overview for the term.
  • Sports
    What sports opportunities are there for my child? Curriculum programes focus on age-appropriate skills development. While not part of the NZ Curriculum as a subject, opportunities are provided for students to participate in a wide range of sports, both during school and out of school hours, including opportunities at competition level. Click here for a comprehensive list of available sport and criteria for selecting zone teams Generally speaking, team sports opportunities become more of a focus for older children from Y3 onwards.
  • Trips and Activities
    What trips and activities are available? Throughout the year, a wide range of age-appropriate trips and off-site activities are undertaken as part of the learning programmes. A general permission slip for each student is signed on enrolment, and information is sent home with details of each trip prior to the trip taking place. The cost of most one day trips is covered by the school donation, and we also organise annual overnight camp for older children. Parent help is usually required for trips in order to ensure adult to child supervision ratios in line with our policies and procedures.
  • After-school Care
    What after-school care is available? MENPS does not currently provide 'in-house' before or after-school care, however two external care providers do currently offer this service from our school. Brochures are available from the office.
  • Civil Defence
    What happens if there is an emergency? We have comprehensive drills and procedures covering civil emergency situations, in the event of such a situation, we will take appropriate steps and be under the direction of Auckland Civil Defence. Parents will be notified via email (if possible) and given instructions on next steps.
  • Dental Care
    Do the children receive dental treatment on site? A mobile Dental Clinic visits the school during the year for one week. All other dental related inquiries should be made to the Balmoral Dental Clinic located at Balmoral School (09) 630 0205.
  • Illness & Injury
    What happens in the event of accident or illness? Health and safety is paramount. Accidents and illness at school are attended to in the sickbay by designated trained first aid staff. Visits to the sickbay are recorded in a logbook. Parents are always contacted when there is a fever or any suggestion of a serious injury to the head or any limb or when, in the case of a less significant injury, the child is very uncomfortable or distressed. Parents should inform the school of any health or associated problems affecting their child. Arrangements must be made through the school office for children needing medication during school hours.
  • Playground Supervision
    Playgrounds are monitored by duty teachers during all break-times. A mentoring programme also operates in the playground. Year 6 students are selected and trained as mentors to help guide and support younger children.
  • Road Safety
    What road safety procedures are in place at school? All streets surrounding schools are potentially hazardous. The two crossings in Sherbourne and Valley Roads are patrolled daily from 8.30am to 9.00am and 3.00pm to 3.15pm. Our Year 6 students take responsibility for operating the road patrols. Parent help to do crossing duty is critical for the operation of the patrols. If you are interested in helping please contact the office so your name can be added to the roster. MENPS has two dedicated 'Drop off and Pick up' zones in Valley and Sherbourne Roads. They should be used for this purpose during the designated hours (8.30 - 9.30am and 2.30 - 3.30pm). They are patrolled by the Auckland Council and motorists can incur a fine if it is considered that they are using the area for general parking.
  • Health Alerts
    In the event of serious/notifiable illness outbreaks, information is updated on our Health Alerts page.
  • Absences
    What do I do if my child is absent from school? Parents are requested to email the school office of their child's absence or lateness prior to 9am. An absence form on our website may also be used. Parents who require children to leave school during school hours should arrange to collect them from the school office and sign them out and in of the school. Please make an application in writing to the Principal, in advance, if you need to take your child out of class for an extended period of time.
  • Contact Details
    What do I do if I move or change my contact details? We maintain a comprehensive database of parent/caregiver contact details. In case of an emergency, it is vital that the school is able to reach parents. Please notify the school immediately of any change of address and phone number, including emergency contact numbers. You can update your contact details using the contact details form on this website.
  • Lost Property
    What happens to lost property? Lost property is kept in an area in the stairwell outside Room 1. At the end of each term unclaimed items are donated to charity. We strongly recommend labelling and naming all school clothing items.
  • Stationery
    Stationery packs can be purchased online from Qizzle or you may purchase stationery from another retailer of your choice, following the list provided by the school (please ensure the correct items as listed). The stationery room is located outside the Resource Room (near Room 10) and is open Monday - Thursday from 8.30am for any ongoing stationery (cash only) needs during the year.
  • Uniform
    School uniform is compulsory at Mt Eden Normal Primary School. Information and a copy of our Uniform Policy can be viewed at the link to the right (click here) Children are discouraged from wearing jewellery. All clothing should be clearly named and kept neat and tidy. The last day of each term is generally a 'mufti-day', when children are not required to wear uniform.
  • Homework
    Do the children get homework? Parents often have widely differing views on the value of homework. Our approach is a balanced one, based on the following principles: Home Learning should: Support the development of our Touchstones and an intrinsic motivation to learn Be alignmed with the MENPS approach to teaching and learning Be flexible enough to meet individual student needs Value the important learning that occurs outside of school Involve home/school and wider community relationships Include appreciation of the arts, the outdoor and service to others The Wero Akoranga (Learning Challenge) programme has 2 components: A compulsory section covering basic fact knowledge, spelling and reading AND a section of optional learning challenges. Optional challenges offer a wide range of learning experiences selected to motivate and engage students. Students should negotiate the selection optional challenges with you as some will require your support. Each challenge requires a different level of time and commitment. Teachers will support homework challenges by providing guidance or assistance where needed, as well as monitor and provide opportunities for students to share their work. Further information and useful links can be found here
  • Religious Education
    Does the school offer Religious Education? MENPS does not offer a religious education/instruction programme as this is not part of the New Zealand Curriculum.
  • Hall Hire
    Can I hire the hall or other facilities out of school hours? School facilities are hired out to external groups to hold activities for children in the community. Please contact Sandra Jelicich on Phone: (09) 631 1191 or Email:, for details.
  • Parent Involvement
    How can I get more involved and help at school? Partnership between parents and school is key to children's learning. There are many ways you can get involved, from helping in the classroom, the Information Centre, attending school trips and events, coaching/managing sports teams and participating in the PTA to name but a few. Parent participation in the MENPS school programme is actively encouraged. Please let us know if you would like to offer your help in any way. PTA contact information is included in the 'Our People' section of this site.
  • School Hours
    What are the school hours and how is the day structured? 8.30am: School opens 9.00am: School commences 10.30-10.50am: Morning interval 11.55am-12.00pm: Brain break 1.00-2.00pm: Lunch time 3.00pm: School closes 3.15pm: Playground cleared
  • Lunches
    Are school lunches available? Parents can order lunches online from Ezlunch. Further information and a current menu is available from reception or by visiting Most children bring packed lunches, including snacks for morning tea and the 12 noon 'Brain Break'. We encourage healthy, nutritious lunches, and request that individual packaged items are avoided, in line with our Enviro Schools philosophy. Children are required to take any wrapping or waste back home with them in their lunch box for recycling to be washed and other waste to be disposed of. We do not provide landfill bins for break times, but have recycling bins available for children to use. Fresh food (not meat or most processed/baked items) can be put into our food waste buckets to be sorted at our Worm Farm.
  • After-school Care
    Are there options for before and after-school care? Yes. MENPS has an on-site 'SKiDs' provider for before and after school: There is also another local option for after-school activities, 'Jigsaw':
  • Cohort Entry
    What is Cohort Entry? Our school follows a Cohort Entry Policy, meaning children start school on set dates, 2 intakes per term. Further information can be found here
  • Enrolment
    When can I enrol my child? Your child can start school or kura in New Zealand between age 5 and 6. All children must be enrolled at school by their sixth birthday. When your child has started at school or kura, they must go to school every day. This is a change from the earlier rule, where regular attendance was required only from age 6. Pre-enrolment can be completed any time in the year prior to your child starting school. Passing on this information assists us with our planning. Information on the school zone and enrolment can be found here. Contact for enquiries.
  • Student Visits
    Can my child visit the school? We offer 2 pre-enrolment visits with the children's new teacher wherever possible, usually for the first hour and a half of the day. On the first visit, parents may stay with their child for some, most or all of the duration. On the second visit, parents are invited to settle their child into class and attend an information session, usually run by members of the school's Senior Leadership Team.




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