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2024 sports calendar



  • MENPS Year 5-6 Swimming Sports: 23rd February (DIO Pool) 

  • Zone Swimming: 27th February (DIO Pool)

  • Zone Touch: 5th March (Fearon Park, Mt Roskill) Save Day: 7th March

  • Zone Cricket: 20th March (Cornwall Cricket Club) Save Day: 26th March


  • Zone Football: 21st May (Keith Hay Park) Save Day: 23rd May

  • MENPS Year 4 Cross Country: 4th June (MENPS) Save Day: 7th June

  • MENPS Year 5-6 Cross Country: 6th June (TBC) Save Day: 11th June

  • Zone Cross Country: 18th June (Auckland Domain)  Save Day: 20th June

  • MENPS Year 1-3 Cross Country: 27th June (MENPS) Save Day: 2nd July



  • Zone Rugby/Girls Rippa: 6th August (May Road) Save Day: 8th August

  • Zone Netball: 22nd August (Windmill Rd) Save Day: 27th August 

TERM 4  

  • Zone Softball: 5th November (Keith Hay Park) Save Day: 7th November

  • MENPS Year 3 Athletics Day: 11th November (MENPS) Save Day: 13th November

  • MENPS Year 4 Athletics Day: 12th November (MENPS) Save Day: 15th November

  • Table Tennis Tournament: 14th November (Auckland Table Tennis)

  • MENPS Year 5-6 Athletics Day: 14th November (Margaret Griffin Park) Save Day: 19th November

  • Zone Athletics: 26th November (Margaret Griffin Park) Save Day: 28th November

  • MENPS Year 0-2 Athletics: 10th December (MENPS) Save Day: 12th December

For further information please contact

our Sports Co-ordinator, Karen Moore, at:

Copyright © Mt Eden Normal Primary School, 2023
All rights reserved
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