As well as families being able to purchase brand new MENPS uniform from the Uniform Shop at 169 Manukau Road, Epsom, the PTA also operates a second hand uniform shop. The shop is located in the PTA room, through the bottom school gate on Valley Road (follow signs). It opens every second Friday morning (term weeks 1, 3, 5, 7, 9) from 8.30am - 9.30am.
More information and their price list can be found here. Check the school newsletter or calendar for changes, and please note that the shop is CASH OR BANK TRANSFER ONLY - NO EFTPOS AVAILABLE.
The shop is run by volunteer PTA parents and relies on donations from past and present MENPS families. Uniform donations are always needed and gratefully received to the shop directly, or to the school office. All money raised goes straight back into PTA fundraising initiatives for the school.
Please contact: menpspta@gmail.com for ‘online’ orders or any further information.
A link to The School Uniform Centre online store and also details of our Uniform Policy can be found below.